Camp Rock: The Musical opens tonight. Shows Tuesday-Saturday this week. Tickets at Break a leg!
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
break a leg
These campers are ready to ROCK! Camp Rock The Musical runs February 21-25! We can't wait to show you how awesome these kids are! Tickets available at
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
Valentine Day Dance
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
We are sharing this message from BCPD and BEMS Administration. Thank you. Brigham City Police Department is aware of and investigating potential threats made related to Box Elder Middle School that we were alerted to last night (02/09/2023). At this time, we have not substantiated an evident danger; however, with an abundance of caution, we have coordinated efforts and enacted a safety plan with the school and school district to mitigate the risk even further. No new information has developed that would heighten our concerns and we continue to monitor the situation. The communication below was sent out by the school district to the students and parents of Box Elder Middle School: “We are aware that there has been a rumored threat made towards the school.The police have been contacted and are involved in the investigation. We appreciate those students and individuals who have brought this to our attention. There will be extra police officers at the school to help everyone feel protected. If you are concerned and wish to keep your child home, please have your child log into canvas and work from home.” We appreciate the public’s passion in these instances. Both the Brigham City Police and the Box Elder School District are devoted to providing our children a safe and secure learning environment.
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
BESD has called today a virtual learning day. School will not be held on buildings. Teachers will be posting assignments using Canvas and school email by 10:00 a.m. Please have your student check both.
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
It was a great day to be a 9th grader! STEM field trip in the morning and claiming the title in 8th vs 9th Grade Week! #BEMS #weareBEMS
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
8th vs 9th grade week!
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
Don't forget Western Wednesday!
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
hey BEMS! Tuesday is Decade Day. Chose a decade, research what was "in", and show us what you got!! Tuesday Trivia in the auditorium commons during lunch! Remember penny wars! Who's gonna win??
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
8th v 9th Grade Week starts TOMORROW!! Dress up in your comfy clothes/PJs. The penny war starts tomorrow!!
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
Battle of the Grades 8th vs 9th Grade Week Dress up! Join us for lunch activities. Save your change and contribute to the PENNY WAR!!
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
Join us to celebrate!
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
new year
Applications for the National Junior Honor Society are due on January 20, 2023. Pick up applications in the counseling office!
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
BEMS Parent Teacher Conferences
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
Join the National Junior Honor Society!!
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
See you Tuesday!! #weareBEMS #saferespectfulresponsible
about 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
Our basketball assembly was the best! We even had a visit from Santa!!
over 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
December 19-21 Schedule and info. 1. Minimum Day with NO LATE START on Wednesday, December 21. See schedule 2. Annual Staff vs Student Fundraiser game on Wednesday, December 21
over 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
Today, 2 students and 2 teachers were honored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Rylen Christiansen was the winner of the "Patriots Pen'' essay contest and Jaquel Burden was the winner of the "Voices of Democracy" essay contest. Teachers Jeremy Briggs and Ben Kunzler were recognized as the VFW Teacher of the Year (northern Utah). We are proud of our students and teachers and grateful to work often with the Veterans in our community.
over 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati
Second Trimester starts today! We will NOT be having interventions this week. This is the schedule for the week.
over 2 years ago, Leslie Garbanati